The Royal Galician Academy of Sciencies recognizes the work of the ENCOMAT group. The coordinator of ENCOMAT group, X. Ramón Nóvoa, was aearded the RAGC Medal in the Technical Sciences sectyion, the Isidro Parga Pondal Medal Research Medals 2020.
Training action on Industrial Adhesives in collaboration with Sika. The main caracteristics and field of application of industrial adhesives have been addressed. EEI Vigo. Vigo Tecnológico
We congratulate David for the successful defence of her thesis "Diseño de nuevos barnices basados en silanos organofuncionalizados destinados a la industria conservera"
The project "Desarrollo de nuevos materiales de construcción ecológicos basados en geopolimeros obtenidos a partir microsílice como materia prima/eGEO" was launched within the consortium OHL, Ferroatlántica, AIMEN and University of Vigo.